Our Very Own Eucalyptus yarriambiack

Yarrilinks and Lah Landcare Group celebrated National Eucalypt Day on 23 March with an event about the Yarriambiack Mallee-Box, a species of eucalyptus tree found only in a small area near Brim.

We learned about some basics of this species and its closely related eucalypts, and discussed different ways plant scientists classify species. The eucalypts are particularly tricky, and some scientists differ on whether E. yarriambiack should be considered a unique species to its closest relative, E. polybractea.

You can learn more in the event handout, linked below.

Everyone got a chance to see the trees up close, and we also discussed plans for seed collection activities to include this species in local revegetation plans.

After the field trip, everyone met back in Brim for a lovely picnic lunch under the gum trees, and we further celebrated National Eucalypt day by taking turns sharing stories about particularly awesome or memorable trees we’d encountered over the years.

This event was funded by a Victorian Landcare grant via Wimmera Catchment Management Authority.

The 2024 Eucalypt of the year, according to Eucalypt Australia’s national vote, was red flowering gum (Corymbia ficifolia). What a beautiful tree! (But fingers crossed for a Victorian winner next year!)


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